Scholarship at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaat

La Redazione NAD segnala l’opportunità di una borsa di studio per studentesse e ricercatrici rifugiate presso l’Universitat Autonoma de Barcelonaat.

Vi invitiamo a leggere di seguito:

The Fundació Autònoma Solidària would like to inform you of an open call for applications for the PVE Scholarship. The scholarship will fund:

-Three (3) official master’s degree positions at the UAB, for the academic year 2020-2021;

-One (1) research position at the UAB, during the academic year 2020-20201.

The call is open to women belonging to the refugee or displaced community from Syria, Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan.

The positions are aimed at generating knowledge in the field of prevention of violent extremism, with a gender focus. For this reason, interested people will be able to enroll in a master/PhD/research program of the UAB of their own choosing, from any field of knowledge directly applicable to the prevention of violent extremism, peace building and/or gender studies.

The scholarship will cover, among other expenses: (i) full cost of the tuition fees and other related academic fees, (ii) monthly allowance for accommodation expenses (preferably atVila UAB), (iii) living expenses, and (iv)yearly allowance for other study-related expenses (transport, teaching materials, etc.)

The period for submitting applications will be open from June 16 to July 17 2020, at 00.00, both dates included.

For more information, you can visit:

We would appreciate if you could help us spread the word and, if you know people who might be interested, encourage them to participate!

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