La Redazione di NAD è lieta di informarvi che il saggio “Patterns of Misogyny in Turkey’s Contemporary Political Discourse” di Devran Gulel, PhD presso la University of Portsmouth, pubblicato sulla nostra Rivista (Vol.2 No.1 del 2020) ha vinto il “2021 First Paper Award“, riconosciuto dal CES Critical European Studies Research Network. Congratulazioni per il tuo successo, Devran!
The Editorial Staff and the Editoral Board of NAD are pleased to annouce you that the essay “Patters of Misogyny in Turkey’s Contemporary Political Discourse” written by Devran Gulel, PhD candidate at the University of Portsmouth, and published by our Journal (Vol.2 No.1 2020) was selected as the recipient of the “2021 First Paper Award” by the CES Critical European Studies Research Network committee. Congratulations for your success, Devran!
Potete leggere l’articolo al seguente link / Read the essay at the following link: Patters of Misogyny in Turkey’s Contemporary Political Discourse